Dropping Busy

Dropping Busy

Many of us become obsessed with 'doing' because we believe this defines who we are.

We 'do' all these things to try to prove that we aren't replaceable.

That we matter.

That we are important.

And not invisible.

But all this doing is clouding the real essence of who we are. We're actually losing ourselves in all the busy-ness - which ends up making us feel even more replaceable, more invisible.

We are not what we do.

We are not the things we get done.

The to-do list that we work through isn't why we're here.

We're trying to play the role of 'busy-good-doer' and it's failing us - because it's a role.

It's not who we are.

If we stopped doing.




We'd be forced to just be who we are. We'd be forced to take a look at the woman beneath all the busy-ness. To come to terms with her.

And realize, that it's time to introduce her to the world.