Daily Self Pride

Daily Self Pride

One of the most awesome feelings that we experience is the feeling of being proud of ourselves. Of knowing we did what we set out to do. Knowing that we didn’t stop or give up. Being able to look at ourselves in the mirror and say, “Yes. I did that.”

Unfortunately, most people set themselves up to almost never feel this feeling. They put ridiculous limitations on self-pride and don’t see what a powerful tool it can be. They dole out a few tiny crumbs of self-pride hidden under a mountains of self-cruelty.

Every single day, we have the opportunity to be proud of ourselves.
Every single day, we have the choice to do that thing. To follow through. To keep our promises.

Ask yourself: What will I be proud of today? And then go do it.

And when you do...

Do not wait until you’ve paid off all of the debt.
Do not wait until you’ve lost all of the weight.
Do not wait until after the entire change has been made.

High-five yourself immediately.
Give yourself the A, the gold star, the blue ribbon.
Be proud of your accomplishment that day.
Flex in the mirror. 
Bow to the imaginary standing ovation.

Whether it was that you made your lunch instead of going out. Or you went to the gym. Or you sent in an extra payment. Or you paid cash instead of using your card.

Positive reinforcement is brilliant. It works. It feels good. And it creates powerful leverage on a daily basis.

Remember: heroes win battles. It’s time to start treating yourself like one.